Summer Cold Reason: If you are troubled by cough and cold in summer, know about its causes, symptoms and treatment

Summer Cold Reason

Summer Cold Reason: If you are troubled by cough and cold in summer, know about its causes, symptoms and treatment

When there is severe heat in the summer months, people start sweating. Some people get cough and cold. They start thinking that cold and cold occur only in winter, then how is it possible in summer. Is this the Summer Cold Reason?

Summer Cold Reason

  • If we talk about summer cold reason, then the biggest reason is enterovirus and rhinovirus. This virus spreads by coming in contact with an infected person.
  • If the temperature suddenly decreases in the summer months, there is humidity in the atmosphere, due to which cold and cough also occur.
  • Staying in air conditioner because when your body goes from low temperature to high temperature, cold viruses become active.
  • Spread of pollen in a wide area is also one of the causes of cold and cold.
  • Weakening of immune system.

Symptoms of summer cold

  • Running nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Sore throat
  • Tightness in throat
  • Fever
  • Cough

How to avoid summer cold

  • Summer Cold Reason Not washing hands. That is why if you want to avoid it, wash hands with hand wash.
  • Drink 5-6 liters of water
  • Stay away from people infected with summer cold
  • Consume vitamin C fruits
  • Clean the house regularly

What is the treatment after getting summer cold?

Now that you have known about summer cold reason, if we talk about its treatment, then drink turmeric milk before sleeping at night. You will get relief from summer cold quickly. This milk is also called golden milk. This milk strengthens your immune system. 

To make turmeric milk, put a pinch of turmeric powder in boiling milk. Boil it for about 2 minutes. Then pour it in a glass and drink it after blowing on it.

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