Oxygen Supplier Foods: 10 foods give oxygen to the body

Oxygen Supplier Foods

Oxygen Supplier Foods: 10 foods give oxygen to the body

21 percent oxygen is found in the atmosphere. Life cannot be imagined without oxygen. Oxygen reaches the entire body through blood. A person living in a village easily gets oxygen from trees and plants, while those who live in the city do not get enough oxygen. For the people of the city, Oxygen Supplier Foods are the best option to supply oxygen to the body.

Oxygen Supplier Foods


  • Iron is found in beetroot, which increases the quantity of blood in the body. When there is blood in the body, then the supply of oxygen in the body is also easy.


  • Iron, potassium, fiber, magnesium and iron are found in sufficient quantity in avocado, which helps in increasing the level of oxygen in the body.

 (3) Pomegranate

  • Pomegranate is called the powerhouse of nutrition. Eating one pomegranate prevents 100 diseases. Pomegranate increases the level of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen is easily supplied to the body.

(4) Spinach

  • Spinach, which is also called the enemy of anemia, is rich in iron, which supplies oxygen to the blood.

(5) Turmeric

  • The pride of the kitchen and the head of food, turmeric not only makes food tasty but also increases the oxygen level in the blood. It is one of the best oxygen supplier foods.

(6) Pear

  • Pear contains minerals like vitamin C and iron. It increases the size of blood vessels in the body with the help of nitrate, which supplies sufficient oxygen to the blood.

(7) Lemon

  • Lemon also contains many minerals and vitamins, which widen the size of blood vessels, which increases blood flow. The quantity of oxygen in the body also increases.

(8) Papaya

  • Papaya is called the enemy of constipation and gas. Many types of such nutrition are found in this papaya, which keeps the blood circulation fine. It is also known as Oxygen Supplier Foods.

 (9) Kiwi

  • Kiwi is also known as immune booster and anti-dengue. It keeps the lungs healthy so that clean blood can reach the brain and the brain can get oxygen.

(10) Apricot

  • Apricot not only increases the level of oxygen in the blood but also contains such nutrients which keep the body healthy.

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