Overeating Mangoes can cause 6 side effects

Overeating Mangoes

Overeating Mangoes can cause 6 side effects

Mango consumption is considered very beneficial. It provides energy to the body. Mango season is going on, so do not eat too many mangoes even by mistake because it can increase your weight and sugar level. Who knows what diseases are caused by overeating mangoes that destroy the body

What are the side effects of overeating mangoes

(1) Burning sensation in the mouth

  • Consumption of too much mango also causes burning sensation in the mouth because a substance is found in the peel of mango which causes burning sensation in the mouth, because whenever you eat mango, search the peel thoroughly and only then eat the mango.

(2) Excess of vitamin A in the body

  • When there is excess of vitamin A in the body, it is called hypervitaminosis A. Due to which hair starts falling, eyes are not able to see properly, even problems like dizziness and vomiting start occurring.

 (3) Sugar level may increase

  • Consuming too much mango may also increase the sugar level. The Glycemic index of mango is 51. Diabetic patients are known to have insulin resistance problems due to excessive consumption of mango.

(4) Allergy problems

  • Overeating mangoes may also cause allergy, which will result in itching in the body and swelling in the whole body.

(5) Excessive weight gain

  • People who are losing weight should avoid overeating mangoes because if they eat too many mangoes, their weight will increase and after gaining weight, they will have various problems like blood pressure and sugar problems.

(6) Digestion related problems

  • Eating too many mangoes increases the amount of fiber in the body. When the fiber increases in the body, it also affects the stomach, which can result in problems like diarrhea, gas, constipation and vomiting.

What happens if you eat a lot of mangoes?

 Overeating Mangoes can cause stomach related problems like indigestion, gas, diarrhea, ulcers, so avoid eating too many mangoes.

How many mangoes a day is too many?

Mangoes should be consumed according to your diet plan. If fiber is already included in your diet, then you should eat at least one and maximum two mangoes in a day. Do not eat more than this.

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