Are swelling in the legs, boils on the face a sign of liver damage?
The liver is located in the upper right part of the stomach, below the rib cage. The liver removes toxins from the body. It helps in cleaning the blood. It plays an important role in controlling diabetes.
When excessive amounts of alcohol and spicy food are consumed daily, the liver gets damaged. After which the weight starts decreasing suddenly and swelling and boils start appearing on the face.
What are the symptoms seen in the body after liver damage?
(1) Sleep problems
- When liver is damaged, one cannot sleep. This disease has been seen in patients of liver cirrhosis. Due to liver damage, dirty blood gets accumulated in the body. Due to which insomnia problem occurs.
(2) Swelling in the feet
- If your feet are getting swollen without any injury, then consult your doctor immediately to see if this is a symptom of liver damage.
(3) Boils on the face
- When the liver gets damaged, the hormones get imbalanced, due to which boils and pimples problem starts.
(4) Swelling in the face
- Due to liver damage, liquid fluid starts accumulating on the face, after which the face gets swollen.
(5) Red color of the palm
- Due to liver damage, the color of the palms becomes red. This problem occurs due to blood flow.
What is the most common cause of liver damage?
The biggest cause of liver damage is hepatitis virus. Every year 7 out of 10 people have liver damage problem due to hepatitis virus. The second reason is consumption of acetaminophen medicine.
How do you treat liver damage?
The biggest treatment of liver damage is to make changes in lifestyle. If you are obese then lose weight and if you drink alcohol then stop drinking it. Apart from this, you can also get treatment. Gastroenterology department will find out the causes of liver damage and cure your liver.