Girls’ sweat is used in Japanese rice ball, Research says that eating it balances emotions

Japanese rice ball

Girls’ sweat is used in Japanese rice ball, Research says that eating it balances emotions

Japan is famous for its strange foods. Japanese foods are not only beautiful to look at but are also delicious to eat. Japanese foods are beneficial for health. Japanese rice ball is very trendy in Japan at the present time. This rice ball is 10 times more expensive than ordinary rice ball.

The price of Japanese rice ball ranges from 100 yen to 200 yen. The process of making it is very different. It is shaped from the armpits of girls.

Ingredients used to make Japanese rice ball

  • Umeboshi
  • Sushi rice
  • Grilled salmon
  • Tuna salad
  • Seaweed
  • Armpit sweat

What is the method of making Japanese rice ball

  • First of all, the body parts of the girls are sanitized
  • After sanitizing, the girls are made to exercise.
  • Exercise is done till the girls are drenched in sweat
  • Then after that the prepared rice ball is pressed against the armpits of the girls.
  • It is pressed till the rice ball takes its round shape

Benefits of Japanese rice ball

According to a study of 2013, such pheromones are found in the armpits of girls which balance the emotions as well as relieve tension and stress. Since this research has come, Japanese rice ball is being sold in the market at 10 times the price.

This recipe is also shown to the customer while making it. So that he can be assured that this rice ball has been made with complete cleanliness.

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