How does smoking lead to increase in weight and belly fat? The Weight effects of Smoking.

How does smoking lead to increase in weight and belly fat? The Weight effects of Smoking.

Did you know Smoking is not just injurious to health but also a culprit in weight gain and belly fat?
In this small guide, we will look at how tobacco smoking is becoming a reason for abdominal obesity.

Even the US government has an official study posted about the serious relationship between smoking and weight issues on the National Centre for Biotechnology Information.

When you smoke the nicotine in cigarettes it speeds up your metabolism, and the calories of your body start burning faster than usual.
There are other factors as well like smoking changes your eating habits. This makes you eat more, and smoking can dull your taste buds making your food less enjoyable.

Furthermore, smoking affects where fat is stored in your body. Research has shown that smokers tend to have more fat around their waistlines compared to non-smokers. This is because smoking can alter the way your body stores fat, leading to more fat accumulating in the abdominal area, also known as belly fat.

So how can you reduce your belly fat?
1. Eat a balanced diet- Focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables lean protein, and whole grains. Avoid eating processed foods containing palm oil.
2. ⁠Control your sugar intake- Avoid drinking sugary beverages. This spikes your glucose making you gain weight.
3. plenty of water- Staying hydrated can help you control your hunger and cravings.
4. ⁠Get enough sleep- Good sleep is the medication for all the issues in your body.
5. ⁠Manage Stress- You can practice relaxing techniques like deep breathing, medical attention or yoga to reduce your daily life stress.

By following these simple steps you can lose your belly fat and also get a healthy lifestyle which will eventually help you to do more in your life and achieve your life goals more easily. 

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