H5N1 Bird Flu Found In Milk is Concerning, Says WHO

H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus

H5N1 Bird Flu: Be cautious if you drink raw milk The World Health Organization issued an advisory saying that a virus called Avian Influenza. H5N1 has been found in raw milk, which is also known as Bird Flu all over the world.

Other research institutes have said that it has a mortality rate of 52%. Whereas the mortality rate from Corona was 20% during the pandemic.

But in 2024 it has become 0.1%. Bird flu is a Zoonotic virus, that is, it used to spread from birds to birds.

H5N1 virus started spreading in humans

A virus called H5N1 has been found inside a helper working in a dairy located in Texas, America. The problem is that earlier this virus spread from birds to birds and from birds to cows and now from cows to humans.

This can also be a sign of an epidemic. The H5N1 virus has changed its strain, now it can infect humans and kill them.

Mortality figures of H5N1 bird flu virus are shocking

The World Health Organization said that from 2003 to April 1, the H5N1 virus affected 889 humans. Out of which 463 people have died.

This figure shows that if this epidemic spreads on a global level, then this virus is capable of killing crores of people as compared to the corona epidemic.

H5N1, why it is known as bird flu?

H5N1 is a type of flu that does not spread in humans but it spreads in birds, hence it is also called bird flu. This virus first came to the world in 1996.

But during the 2020 coronavirus, it spread as an epidemic in birds, especially in chickens and crores of chickens were killed.

How does the H5N1 virus enter a human being

H5N1 enters a human being when the virus is transmitted through touching infected birds, staying near them and touching their bodies.

However, recently World Health Organisation said that this virus can also enter a human being when he drinks raw milk. But scientists have not yet been able to confirm how long this virus can survive in milk.

Symptoms for a person infected with H5N1 virus

  • Pneumonia
  • High fever
  • Sore throat
  • Cough

Can virus take form of an epidemic?

The Food Safety Agency of the European Union has said that this virus can also take the form of an epidemic. This virus has started being found in creatures living in the sea as well as in creatures living on land. Therefore, we all should be alert.

A vaccine should be developed so that if it takes the form of an epidemic in the future, we can save ourselves from it and also save the whole world.

Is drinking raw milk no longer safe?

The Center for Disease Control, an American institute, said that if you drink milk of cow or buffalo or goat or any other mammal, then there is no need to panic. These raw milks are first pasteurized on the dairy farm.

Pasteurization kills viruses like bird flu. Therefore, whenever you drink milk at home, always drink it after heating it. If you drink dairy milk, then there is no need to worry because this milk is already pasteurized.

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