Diabetes Patients Should Eat 6 Vegetable Salad In Summer Days, Diabetes Will Not Increase


Diabetes Patients Should Eat 6 Vegetable Salad In Summer Days, Diabetes Will Not Increase

Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder. The total number of diabetes patients in India is 12 crores which is 6% of the total population. It is an incurable disease, it can only be controlled, it cannot be eradicated from the root. The level of diabetes should be minimum 80 and maximum 140, if it is more than this then be alert otherwise it will have a serious effect on many of your organs. Dementia, a common disease usually comes along with diabetes.
Diabetic patients should eat/add these 6 vegetable salads in their diabetic diet, that can help their sugar level not to increase anymore.

  • Cucumber
    The glycemic index of cucumber is 15 which is the best option for diabetes patients. Eating cucumber provides fibre to the body. It maintains the level of diabetes.
  • Carrot
    Carrot contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and minerals like calcium, iron, fibre and potassium which are very beneficial for diabetic patients. The glycemic index of carrot is 16.
  • Onion
    Onion contains minerals like calcium, iron and potassium and apart from that, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C are also found in onion.The glycemic index of onion is 10 which is very good for diabetic patients from the point of view of maintaining sugar level.
  • Beetroot
    Beetroot has a glycemic index of 61 which is a medium type of diabetic food. It also contains vitamins like sodium, potassium, calcium and Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin C.
  • Tomato
    Tomato is a low glycemic load food whose glycemic index is 15. Potassium, Vitamin B6 and Niacin and Folate are also found in tomato.
  • Radish
    Radish contains calcium, Vitamin C and protein. The glycemic index of radish is 32 which is no less than a boon for diabetes patients. It balances sugar level and also keeps the digestive system healthy.

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