If you are suffering from constipation, then try these seven remedies of grandmother and constipation will disappear instantly


If you are suffering from constipation, then try these seven remedies of grandmother and constipation will disappear instantly

The problem of constipation has become common due to wrong eating habits. Today two out of 10 people are suffering from constipation. Constipation causes problems in defecation. Apart from this, stool comes out freely sometimes in a week.

When a person defecates less than three times a week or there is a burning sensation while defecating, it is called constipation.

What is the cause of constipation?

  •  Not consuming fiber in food
  • Consuming more refined flour
  • Consuming more spicy food
  • Not eating on time
  • Staying awake till late at night and using mobile

If these symptoms start appearing in the body, then understand that you have constipation

  • Getting boils on the face
  • Feeling heaviness in the stomach
  • Hard stool
  • Bad smell from the mouth

What are the eight tips of grandmothers that relieve constipation?

(1) Raisins

Soak 10 raisins in water before sleeping at night. In the morning, remove the seeds from the raisins and boil them in milk. Drink that milk, which will give you relief.

(2) Castor oil

Mix two spoons of castor oil in lukewarm milk before sleeping at night and drink that milk, this will give you 100% relief from constipation.

(3) Wood Apple Sharbat

Any person who defecates three times a week and does not have a clean stomach should drink Wood Apple Sharbat in the morning. This will detoxify the stomach and remove unwanted substances from the body.


Put two teaspoons of cumin and a glass of water in a pan and boil it on low flame. Filter the water through a sieve. Drink this water daily. This will keep your stomach clean and you will be able to poop freely.


Gram contains fiber which is beneficial in constipation.


Grind flaxseeds and mix the grounded seeds with lukewarm water and drink it. You have to adopt this remedy at night.


Any person who is suffering from constipation should mix Triphala powder in lukewarm water and drink it at night. His constipation will be cured.

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