Discover Calcium Rich Foods and Beverages Surpassing Milk in Calcium Content

Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium Rich Foods: If there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, then the body is not able to perform properly. Calcium is very essential for our body. It Strengthens bones and teeth.

If there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, then symptoms like stretching of nerves, breakage of nails, constipation, gas, stomach pain, breathing problems, insomnia, muscle pain and joint pain start appearing even in early age.

Calcium deficiency causes diseases like rickets, osteoporosis and bone cramps and anxiety. A human needs 700 mg of calcium. If there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, you can include these Calcium Rich Foods in your diet.

Some of the Calcium rich foods that you should include in your diet:

  • Banana

Vitamins and many minerals are found in banana which fulfill the deficiency of calcium in the body. Eating one banana daily will not cause calcium deficiency in your body.

  • Milk
    Milk is the biggest source of calcium. Drinking a glass of milk before sleeping at night not only fulfills the calcium requirement in your body but also gives you protein, magnesium, vitamin D.
  • Spinach
    Spinach is also called the home of iron. It also contains plenty of calcium which fulfills 40 percent of your daily calcium need.
  • Cottage Cheese
    By including 50 grams of cottage cheese in your daily routine, there will be no deficiency of calcium in your body and you will never have to face bone related problems like joint pain.
  • Nuts
    With increasing age, bones start becoming weak. After consuming nuts, weak bones will become strong. Magnesium is found in nuts which absorbs calcium well.
  • Orange
    Eating orange reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Due to this disease the bones of the body become brittle. Orange is a source of vitamin C which strengthens the metabolism and calcium is also found in orange.
  • Other dairy products
    Calcium is also found in curd and buttermilk. Which provides relief from the problem of rickets to a great extent.
  • Broccoli
    Broccoli is also the biggest source of calcium and protein. Consumption of broccoli does not cause cramps in the bones.

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