Bad Combination With Tea: Never eat these seven things with tea, otherwise the body will become a home for diseases

Bad Combination With Tea

Bad Combination With Tea: Never eat these seven things with tea, otherwise the body will become a home for diseases

Eating pakoras with tea tastes very delicious, but there are some things which are harmful for health, so never eat them together with Bad Combination With Tea.

Bad Combination With Tea includes these seven things which should never be eaten.

(1) Egg

  • Eggs should be avoided with tea. Consuming eggs and tea together can cause digestion problems.

(2) Gram Flour

  • Products made from gram flour like gram flour cheela, gram flour pakora should never be eaten with tea, otherwise you may have to face the consequences, it can cause constipation problems.

(3) Salty

  • Salty should not be consumed with tea because it is included in the list of Bad Combination With Tea. The tannin found in tea destroys the nutrition of tea.


  • Lemon should not be consumed with tea because consuming both of them together can cause acid problem in the stomach.


  • While sipping tea, one should not drink water in between because doing so can cause indigestion, constipation, gas, belching.

(6)Cold things

  • One should not drink cold ice cream or cold water while drinking tea or immediately after drinking it. Cold things are included in the list of Bad Combination With Tea.


  • One should never eat salad with tea, it is also harmful for the body.

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