Hong Kong Reports First Monkey B Virus Case

Hong Kong reports first monkey B virus case

Hong Kong reports first monkey B virus case:

A strange case has been seen in Hong Kong, a person was bitten by a monkey, and during treatment it was found that the person has B virus which is also called monkey virus or herpes virus. This virus was discovered in 1932 but the thing to note is that back then the virus did not proved to be very dangerous, but this virus mutated and showed its dangerous form in 2021, and its case was seen in China in 2021, there about 50 people were found infected, out of which 19 people died. The Center for Health Protection has even said that this virus does not cause any harm to monkeys.

How does monkey B virus enter a human body

Monkey B virus spreads in a human being by a monkey bite or scratch or by coming in contact with monkey spit or monkey tissue. But the surprising thing is that this virus was first spread from monkeys to humans but it has started spreading from human to human as well, the Center for Disease Prevention Control has claimed this in its Report

Symptoms of Monkey B Virus

If a person is bitten by a monkey and after that he has body pain and fever, cold, frequent hiccups, vomiting and restlessness. If you are facing any of these problems then be alert, these are the symptoms of Monkey B Virus.

Treat Monkey B Virus before it reaches the brain, otherwise your death is certain

This type of Monkey B Virus affects the brain, first of all your spinal cord gets swollen and your brain becomes zero and after this if the infected person is not kept on life support system then he/she will eventually die.

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