Interrupted Sleep: If you get tired of turning sides and still can’t sleep, then know the reason behind it.

Interrupted Sleep

Interrupted Sleep: If you get tired of turning sides and still can’t sleep, then know the reason behind it.

When you don’t get a peaceful sleep at night, your day’s work also gets disturbed. The reason for not getting sleep at night is stress and excessive use of social media.Stress is considered to be the main reason for interrupted sleep.

Interrupted sleep is a situation in which your sleep breaks many times while sleeping at night. Due to which you are not able to sleep properly. You feel tired when you wake up in the morning.

What are the symptoms of interrupted sleep?

(1) Sleep problems

(2) Waking up frequently at night

(3) Fatigue

(4) Lack of concentration

(5) Headache

(6) Sleep apnea

(7) Talking in sleep

(8) Having nightmares

(9) Restless leg syndrome

What is the reason for interrupted sleep?

 (1) Alcohol consumption

  • Consuming alcohol and gutkha does not allow sleep at night, due to which we all become victims of interrupted sleep.

(2) Diabetes and thyroid

  • Diabetes and thyroid disease also cause sleeplessness at night.

(3) Medicine consumption

  • Consuming medicines like steroids, beta blockers

(4) Mental problems

  • Depression and anxiety also cause sleeplessness at night.

(5) Sleep related syndrome

  • Narcolepsy, restleg syndrome also cause sleeplessness at night.

(6) Excessive use of social media

  • Using social media too much while sleeping at night is also a reason for sleeplessness at night.

(7) Not having the right time to sleep

  • Not sleeping at the right time at night can also cause sleeplessness.

What are the health effects of interrupted sleep?

Interrupted sleep will have the biggest impact on health, it causes cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, mood swings, depression and irritability. Therefore, sleep at the right time at night and wake up at the right time so that you do not have any health related problem.

What is the treatment for interrupted sleep?

  • The biggest treatment for this is to make a correct time to sleep, like if you sleep at 10 pm at night, then sleep at 10 pm and not at 11 pm or 12 pm on some day.
  • Eat green leafy vegetables in your food.
  • Do yoga and meditation for at least 30 minutes daily.
  • Turn off the room lights while sleeping at night.

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