Zika Virus Symptoms: If these symptoms start appearing in the rainy season, be alert, are you affected by the Zika virus?

Zika Virus Symptoms

ZZika Virus Symptoms: If these symptoms start appearing in the rainy season, be alert, are you affected by the Zika virus?

The monsoon has arrived. Heavy rains are also occurring in states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. Two positive cases of Zika virus have been found in Pune, Maharashtra. Zika virus is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquito. These mosquitoes usually bite during the day.

Zika Virus Symptoms include joint pain, headache, muscle pain, and red spots in the body. After being affected by the Zika virus, its treatment is not medicine but its treatment is rest and consuming strong fruits.

Let us know what are the Zika Virus Symptoms?

  • (1)Fever
  • (2)Muscle pain
  • (3)Joint pain
  • (4)Vomiting
  • (5)Fatigue
  • (6)Redness of the eyes
  • (7)Red spots on the skin

How does the Zika virus spread?

Zika virus is usually spread by the bite of Aedes mosquito. Chikungunya and dengue are also caused by Aedes mosquito. There are some cases in which Zika virus is also spread by blood transfusion from mother to fetus and through sexual contact.

Why are more cases of Zika virus seen in rainy season?

Zika virus cases are seen more in rainy season because due to heavy rains, water gets collected in pits. As a result, it becomes the best place for mosquitoes to breed. After this, these mosquitoes become carriers of Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika virus.

How to avoid getting caught by Zika virus?

To avoid getting caught by Zika virus, first of all, if you are going to a place where there is an outbreak of Zika virus, then before going to that place, cover yourself completely and use mosquito net before sleeping at home.  Pregnant women should not travel to areas affected by Zika virus and must wear a condom while having sex and do not share sex toys with anyone.

What is the treatment for Zika virus?

If you start having fever, headache, fatigue and muscle pain, then immediately start consuming citrus fruits in maximum quantity. Consuming citrus fruits strengthens immunity. So that you can recover from Zika virus as quickly as possible.

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