Moringa face mask brings glow to the face, just know the method of making it

Moringa face mask brings glow to the face, just know the method of making it

If you want to choose a face mask in the summer season, then you can apply Moringa face mask. Moringa whose scientific name is Moringa aurifera.

7 times more vitamin C is found in Moringa than in oranges. Vitamin C is very important for the face. It does not allow wrinkles to appear on the skin of the face.

Why choose Moringa face mask in summer season?

Vitamin C is found in Moringa face mask. The glow on the face disappears in the summer season. It maintains that glow. Brings radiance on the face. It also protects the face from the ultra violet rays of the sun. Keeps the face hydrated.

Know about the benefits of Moringa face mask

(1) Hydrates oily skin and dries it. So that glow can be seen on the face.

(2) Removes dead cells.

(3)Wrinkles will not appear on the face

(4)Protects the face from any type of infection and allergy.

How to make a moringa face mask?

To make a moringa face mask, take about two teaspoons of moringa leaf powder, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice and mix them together. If you have oily skin, add aloe vera gel to it. If you have dry skin, add milk to the mixer and apply it on your face. Wash your face with lukewarm water after about half an hour.

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